Roger Binny From BSAA To BCCI

Cricket fans celebrated when the news of Roger Binny's appointment as the President of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) surfaced. Roger Binny, who is respected for his integrity, commitment, and modesty, will take the helm of the most affluent and influential cricket organisation in the world. 

Let's go back in time to remember his extraordinary journey from the Bangalore schoolyards to the BCCI's leadership as we commemorate this significant milestone.

A Humble Beginning

Cricket player Roger Binny's career in Bangalore's lowly schoolyards was just getting started. He was a short, medium-statured, fair, round-faced classmate in his early years. Despite having a modest appearance, Binny stood out from his peers thanks to his innate talent and love of sports.

Binny excelled in several sports throughout his time in school, including hockey, football, and cricket. He was an outstanding athlete because of his adaptability and incredible endurance. For a young boy his age, he displayed exceptional physical strength, agility, and endurance.

Mastery of Unconventional Sports

The "Sack fight" was one of the unusual sports in which Roger Binny demonstrated his abilities. In this unusual game, players had to get into a big jute bag, navigate without falling, and push rivals out of a designated area. Binny was skilled in this hard activity thanks to his balance, agility, and strength.

At St. Germain High School, Roger Binny had the good fortune to study athletics under the devoted instruction of L. A. Brown. Young talents like Binny were greatly cultivated by Brown's knowledge and acute observational abilities. Students were deeply impacted by Brown's extensive knowledge of cricket, which included insights into legends like Don Bradman.

The BSAA Connection

The abbreviation BSAA (Bangalore Schools Athletics' Association) was extremely significant in the realm of school sports in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It gave young athletes a stage on which to display their abilities. Roger Binny's participation and outstanding performance in a variety of athletic competitions and sports organised by the BSAA hinted at his potential as a sportsman in the future.

Due to Binny's unwavering commitment, he advanced from school sports to the national cricketing stage. He started as a quiet and modest all-rounder and refined his cricketing abilities. 

The sought test cap was finally his after persevering through a torturous spiral of cricketing levels, including league cricket, Ranji Juniors, Ranji Seniors, and First-Class zonal cricket.

A Return to His Roots

Roger Binny's ties to his roots and school persisted even as his cricketing career took off. His character remained faithful to his youthful self and was characterised by kindness, modesty, and a welcoming demeanour. Binny's journey from the Bangalore schoolyards to the BCCI presidency is evidence of his everlasting dedication and tenacious attitude.

Roger Binny's outstanding cricket accomplishments as well as his development from a young schoolboy with tremendous promise to a cricketing icon and administrator as he assumes the BCCI's leadership are honoured by many. His life acts as an example for young cricketers and emphasises the importance of sportsmanship and commitment. As the epitome of his school's motto, "Ad Augusta Per Angusta" (Triumph over Difficulties), Roger Binny has successfully overcome adversities.

Where did Roger Binny start cricketing?
Bangalore's school grounds were where brilliant and determined young athlete Roger Binny started playing cricket.
What made Roger Binny a standout young athlete?
Roger Binny had inherent talent, stamina, strength, agility, and endurance as a young athlete. These distinguish him from his classmates.
How did Roger Binny's sports teacher, L. A. Brown, affect his cricketing career?
Roger Binny's sports teacher, L. A. Brown, influenced his cricketing career. Brown's cricket knowledge, notably Don Bradman's, helped develop young players like Binny.